Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring Schedule

Our spring got off to a rocky start with an unplanned 2 1/2 week break due to illnesses. Our daily rhythm has not changed too much since winter but we have added a few things to our week.

We are still doing our schoolwork in the mornings starting around 9am.

We work through

MUS, primer
HWT- Kindergarten
our story of the week-chosen from amblesideonline Year 0 and Five in a row
100 EZ lessons
Speech work.

We have added to our weekly schedule-

1. Composer study done informally- This season Handel. I have a a CD that I play during the little kids morning indoor playtime.
2. Artist study done informally- This season Da Vinci. I have been using various Da Vinci works as the computer wallpaper and taking a good look at a particular work once a week usually Mondays.
3. History Co-op on Mondays- Sam started participating in a Story of the World co-op and loves it so we will do a Monday SOTW reading with this group. He really felt like a big kid in this group. I have to be honest and say that SOTW isn't a favorite but it an awesome group of families and the co-op is the resource that I'd be foolish not to participate in.
4. Started reading Burgess' Seashore Book. Doing 1 chapter a week usually on Tuesdays. When finish will start Burgess' Bird Book
5. Started reading Little House in the Big Woods. Doing 1 chapter a week spread over 2 days usually on Thursday and Friday. When finish will either read another free reading selection for AO year 1 or perhaps start a AO year 1 literature selection.
6. Participation in the Green Hour Challenge doing our planned activity on Friday afternoons.
7. Poetry- poem related to our nature study that I recite to the kids several times a day. I keep a copy on the fridge so I remember to do this! No one has memorized it yet but it keeps sounding better and better each time it is read.

Our Afternoons are spent -

Monday- History Co-op 1-2 hour. 1-2 hours outside time.
Tuesday- Speech Therapy alternating weeks and 2-4 hours outside time
Wed- the kids are at grandma's while I work
Thursday- exploring various parks in the area - 2-4 hours outside time
Friday- Planned nature study time- 2-4 hours outside time


Melissa said...

I love it! This is very similar to what I'm pulling together for our Fridays. Thanks for sharing!

Angela said...

I am inspired to do more classical music now! I have wanted to get going...very cute pics