Friday, March 13, 2009

What's working and what is not....

It's a rainy Friday with nothing to do so it seems like a good time to plan for next year. Wait a minute....I don't do long range planning. I've already have a science list and a CM LA framework. So why aren't I sticking to it? Probably because I decided to make a Year 1 booklist and tie it all nice and neat into a Yearly Plan. The problem with a Yearly Plan is that you feel that you need to complete everything in the plan .....and nothing more and nothing less a year. Blogging today about our Winter Quarter and I realized that we were reading the "wrong" D-Aulaire title. Lief the Lucky wasn't on the list....Yikes. I guess I should have consulted the list before I pulled it off the shelf to read it. It made me remember why I had such a hard time with programs like Sonlight....I couldn't seem to make myself follow the daily plan in the TM! Today read pages 6-18 in this book......well what if you wanted to read a little more or a little less......I made such a mess of those TM for the weeks ( never a full year! Ha!) that I tried to follow them. My self-made TM are much easier to use.....and much less messy!

Back to planning....or not planning as the case may be.

First Q. What is working really well this year?

Math- Math-U-See
Spelling- All About Spelling
History- Story of the World
Science- Nature Reader, science experiments, Nature study
Reading- 100 EZ lessons with a few adjustments
Geography- Paddle with A-Z Geography.

Second Q. Can I meet these goals with the above resources if I continue using the above for the next few years?

MUS- Yes
AAS/100 EZ lessons-Yes
Science-Yes. Books from my science list + weekly science experiments+ Nature Study
Geography-Yes. Holling C. Holling titles + a general Geography resource each year

That was easy enough. The above resources will be continued until complete or they are not longer useful to us.

That leaves Language Arts. FLL and WWE are working for us at the moment. They are easy to use and not time consuming. Yet..... yet.... UGH! I've been staring at that yet for awhile now and I can't put my finger on what my issue is with FLL other than I'm totally ambivalent to teaching grammar to a 6 yo. I will continue using this resource this next quarter but I am unsure if I will finish the series. WWE does fit nicely into my CM LA framework-copywork, narration, & dictation- so perhaps the answer is to drop FLL until age 8-10 or so.

Wow that's an Eureka moment......I need to quit thinking of FLL and WWE as a whole.

Back to Q 1 & 2. What is working well and can I meet goals with those resource?

Writing- WWE - yes & yes. We will continue this through the series.

So the only LA component not specifically addressed is grammar which I don't feel is necessarily at this age. I will continue FLL because it really isn't a burden but I will drop it when it becomes one.

Literature/American History- I feel that I limited ourselves by making a yearly list. I will not do this in the future. I will make a list of titles by ages my science reading list.... and we will read through those one at a time as we see fit.

1 comment:

jennybell said...

Number 1 - I feel the same way you do about grammar at age 6, although I will correct my 5.5 year old in daily conversation and I show him how to "read" punctuation when he has trouble reading a particular sentence and understanding the meaning.

Number 2 - I also feel exactly the same way about history.What I have done is go back to a basic outline of the topics of history I want to cover, then when we are getting close to that topic I use a resource I have for particular titles, but also my library's online catalog for other possibilities. I see what I get and then use what I like. I only use library books for history. This is working way better than the booklist I started the year with.